Grow your business or career by learning in-demand procurement and supply chain management

American Certified Supply Chain Analyst (ACSCA)®

American Certified Business Process and Fulfilment Manager (ACBPF)®

American Certified Managers in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution (ACLTD)®

American Certified Data Analytics Managers (ACDSM)®

American Certified Digital Marketing Experts (ACDME)®

Test Online – Get Your Certifications by Registering and Taking Your Test Online.

AAPSCM® Certifications Overview

Our Certifications

We offer six Certifications that recognize knowledge and competency for our Management Professionals in 3 distinct areas representing both professional and managerial skills for our “(AAPSCM)® Certifications”  – renowned as the global standard

Become A Member

As a registered user, you receive complimentary access to select AAPSCM® research  reports, training, course materials, and  invitation to join “Spartanburg SC., Charter” with an ID card. (AAPSCM)® aims to promote and develop high standards of professional and managerial skills, and integrity among all those engaged in Procurement, Sustainable, Supply Chain, and Tourism Management

Register for Test

You may complete registration online or through our affilliate partners in your country. Once registration is completed and membership ID issued, you may then buy exams online. As a registered member, you receive access to all our, books and other course materials. (AAPSCM)® promotes high standards of professional skill, and integrity among our members

Corporate Solutions

AAPSCM® Corporate membership is the hub for all businesses driving the innovation and adoption of procurement, supply chain and tourism business solutions.  Develop talent strategies that drive inclusion, build the capability foundations to create a culture of customer centricity, innovation, collaboration quality and reliability to maximize supply chain value.

AAPSCM® Certification Process