Certifications for Professionals

  /  Certifications for Professionals

Certifications for Supply Chain, Procurement, Logistics and Tourism Professional

Develop your skills and competencies in Supply Chain, Procurement and Tourism management skills with any of AAPSCM® qualification; improve and validate your competence and the value you bring to your organization and the Industry.
Designed by industry experts, highly relevant in today’s supply chain marketplace
Globally recognized – certification delivered in over 15+ countries and still growing
Aligned with the leading industry skills framework and with ISO standardization requirement.
Built on our non-commercialized reputation for exam quality, integrity and impartiality

Our professional certifications portfolio

Chartered Procurement Manager (CPM)®

The American Certified Procurement Manager (CPM)® tests knowledge and skills of a procurement manager.

Chartered Supply Chain Manager (CSCM)®

The American Certified Supply Chain Manager (CSCM®) certification shows future employers that you have the practical knowledge, insights, and professional expertise to understand…

Chartered Tourism Manager (CTM)®

The American Certified Tourism Manager CTM® certification can help you gain the theoretical, managerial, and technical skills you need to become a leader in the field. The certification assures employers of the skills…

Chartered Supply Chain Technology Manager (CSCT)®

The CSCT® certification is highly sought-after and unique, catering to professionals and managers in both the procurement and supply chain industries.

Chartered Data Analytics Manager (CDM)®

The CDM® certification is tailored for professionals who specialize in data analytics and its application in decision-making processes.

Chartered Manager in Logistics, Transportation, and Distribution (CLTDM)®

CLTDM® certification is designed for professionals involved in logistics, transportation, and distribution management. CLTDM®-certified individuals have a comprehensive…

Chartered Business Process and Fulfilment Manager (CBPF)®

The CBPF® certification is ideal for professionals responsible for business process management and fulfillment operations. CBPF® – certified individuals possess a deep understanding of process improvement methodologies, workflow optimization,

Chartered Supply Chain Artificial Intelligence Analyst (CSAI)®

The CSAI® certification is internationally recognized and focuses on the examination of end-to-end (E2E) visibility in supply chains. CSAI® holders understand the importance…

Chartered Healthcare Procurement Solutions Manager (CHPM) ®

The CHPM® Certification provides you with the skills and competencies to optimize the Healthcare industry’s freight program to achieve complete transparency

Chartered Healthcare Procurement Solutions Professional (CHPP) ®

The CHPP® Certification is the foundation level for analysts or Professionals in medical.

American Certified Procurement Professional (ACPP)®

American Certifed Procurement Professional ACPP® certification shows future employers that you have the practical knowledge,

American Certified Supply-Chain Professional (ACSCP)®

The American Certified Supply Chain Professional ACSCP® certification shows future employers that you have the practical knowledge, insights, and professional expertise to understand…

American Certified Tourism Professional (ACTP)®

Tourism is one of the world’s leading industries and a major economic development tool, and as such, security (crime and terrorism) has a major impact on the tourism and event-oriented economies.

American Certified Supply Chain Analyst (ACSCA)®

Our ACSCA® certification is designed for professionals and managers working in the field of supply chain management. The role of a Supply Chain Analyst, also known as a Supply Chain Specialist, is to ensure that a company’s supply meets the demand…

Chartered Digital Marketing Expert (CDME)®

The CDME® certification is designed for professionals seeking expertise in the field of digital marketing. This certification equips individuals with the knowledge .

Our professional certifications portfolio

You’ll find our qualifications delivered and recognized in more countries around the world so you really can go further when you are AAPSCM® certified!




Certifications in different program areas relating to Procurement, Supply Chain and Tourism Management


Exams delivered in last
3 years

Developed by Experts and Professors in the Field

Take your Supply Chain career to the next level with AAPSCM® professional certification. Developed in collaboration with leading experts, Professors and employers, our training programs with our affiliate partners help you to sharpen your supply chain skills focus and apply your


Professional Members: Earn your degree with our certifications

Earn your degree with our certifications

From AI-based manufacturing and distribution to real-time tracking and data analytics, the 21st century supply chain is driven by technological innovations—and transformational change.

Target your Procurement, Supply Chain, Tourism, Healthcare/Medical Procurement Management Skills

Transformational change calls for transformational leaders. Prepare yourself to maximize productivity and performance within your organization and lead the supply chain of the future and allowing you to:

Our Affiliate Partners