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PMI Membership
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Be part of the largest PM community
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Stay up-to-date with PMI publications
Digital download of the Disciplined Agile “Choose Your WoW” book
Opportunity to join local chapters for educational and networking opportunities (additional annual fee)
PMI Membership + Chapter Membership
(Chapter Membership fee varies depending on chapter)
Everything you get with PMI membership plus local chapter:
- Networking events
- Certification preparation
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- Keynote industry speakers
- Employment and job opportunities
- Volunteer opportunities
Join a PMI Chapter when checking out with Membership Purchase.
Student Membership
Get all of the member benefits and become part of the world’s largest PM network. To be eligible, you must be enrolled in a full-time, degree-granting program at a college or university that has U.S. accreditation or the global equivalent.
Retiree Membership
($65.00/year to renew)
Stay involved with the PM community for a special rate if you’ve been a PMI member in good standing for five consecutive years and have retired from active employment.
Group Options
Know 15+ people who want in?
Save time and money with one of our Group Membership options when you all join PMI and a local PMI chapter together. Available only to organizations and universities.
To ensure the health and safety of our staff, we have instituted a temporary remote working policy. As a result, we are unable to process membership renewal forms submitted via postal mail at this time. We ask that you renew using one of the following methods:
- Online – the fastest, easiest way to renew. Start or renew your membership today by selecting “Join PMI” above.
- Customer Care – our global customer care center is ready to assist by phone, chat, and email
- Fax