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Chartered Procurement Manager (CPM)®
The American Certified Procurement Manager (CPM®) tests knowledge and skills of a procurement manager. CPM examines project contracts and procurement processes and explores the stages of contracting and procurement in the project environment.
The certification certifies your skills and techniques to develop a procurement plan, contract statement of work, contract evaluation criteria, request for proposals, and the processes of contract administration and closure.
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+1-(803) 998-2189
Topics and Description
The examination test members in major instructional areas in an advanced Procurement Management skills which include
Major Instructional Areas
Procurement management
1)Planning of purchases and acquisitions
2) Bidding processes
3) Procurement decision analysis
Contract administration and change control
1)Contract management plan
2) Communication and relationships
3) Ethics
4) Change management
Plan contracting
1)Contract statement of work
2) Standard forms and templates
3) Evaluation criteria
4) Procurement management plan
Contract closure